
Nick DeWolf

Every story Nick DeWolf has ever written that’s any good came from a dream. Clearly, he doesn’t sleep well.

He’s a father, a worker, a beer brewer, and cooks a half-decent stir-fry. He waited until the age of 37 to both get a tattoo, and learn to ride a bike. He loves his five kids, hates prejudice, believes in science, and sometimes gets uncomfortably excited about well prepared food.

He is the author of VILLAINS NEVER DIE, an original superhero story focused on diversity, inclusion, and strong women; PULLING STRINGS, a female driven action/adventure about a psychic secret agent; FRIGHTFULLY EVER AFTER, a dark, urban fairy tale with a horror backbone; and the short story RUSTY’S RUN, about a dog.

He posts random sections of his work in progress on Instagram, and occasionally on his Facebook Page.

Slade Grayson

Slade Grayson was born to a wealthy and influential family. Unfortunately, the stork got lost along the way and dropped him off with a working class Italian family in New Jersey. It was both a blessing and a curse. Mostly the latter.

Slade was raised on a steady diet of comic books and movies, and later discovered a love for pulp novels. He also discovered he was adept at making up stories, mostly to exaggerate his accomplishments, but occasionally to entertain friends and lovers.

Slade is an enigma cloaked in a mystery wrapped in a puzzle. He loves cheesesteaks and dark beer, and hates talking about himself in the third person. He finds it pretentious.

Visit his author page and buy his books. He commands you.

Timothy Johnson

Timothy Johnson is a speculative fiction author and editor living outside Washington, D.C., with his wife and his dog. His work includes the novels THE PILLARS OF DAWN and CARRIER as well as short fiction published in various professional and semi-professional markets. He has an English degree from Virginia Tech, where he won the fiction award for his graduating class. He is a member of the Horror Writers Association. Nothing frightens him more than the future, so he writes about it in hopes he is wrong.

You can occasionally find him posting keen observations of human behavior and painfully obvious revelations on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. You find his personal website at