The State of Publishing (a.k.a “Same as it ever was.”)

NOTE: I wrote this a few years ago after attending the Writer’s Digest Writer’s Conference. I was working as a temp for a retired literary agent who was there promoting a software program to help writers construct book proposals. Or something. Whatever. Doesn’t matter.

The important thing is… Since I wrote this, the publishing world hasn’t improved.

Attending the Writer’s Digest Writer’s Conference the weekend of January 21st through the 23rd, I was struck by more than one “sad but true” revelation:

1) Writers are desperate, needy, and borderline delusional;

2) Literary agents are egotistical and condescending.

Wait, wait, wait. Yes, I am making generalizations about a large group of people, some of whom I did not have opportunity to speak with on a one-on-one basis. And yes, there are exceptions to every generalization made, especially ones made by an opinionated bastard such as myself. But for the most part, my descriptions are apt.

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Books (Part 2)

More of my favorite books that didn’t make the top 5, but were pretty damn close:


Dave Eggers’ autobiographical account of how he lost both parents within a matter of weeks, then had to raise his kid brother while barely out of childhood himself. It’s funny, brutally honest, and written in a hip, smart way that makes you want to read it slowly so you can absorb every word. It’s like being at a party where someone is telling hilarious stories and you don’t want to leave.

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Books (Part 1)

So, as a writer, people often ask me which authors I enjoy reading or ask for book recommendations, as if being a writer gives me some special insight into the talent behind stringing together sequences of words in order to form sentences. I suppose the belief is that I must have a knack for seeing things that the average reader doesn’t see, that if I like a particular author, then said author must really be something special. Well, let me set the record straight:

It’s all true. I do have a special insight into the written word, and I do see things the average reader can’t see. So keep that in mind as I recommend some books and authors that perhaps get overlooked or are not part of the mainstream literary establishment.

I’ll start with a list of my five favorite books:

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