Is anyone reading these? Am I screaming into the void? Am I talking to myself? Is this cheaper than therapy?
The answers are yes, yes, a little bit, and God yes.
Moving on…
Continue reading “MONDAY MORNING DISPATCH (3/3/25)”Stories, Worlds, Community
Is anyone reading these? Am I screaming into the void? Am I talking to myself? Is this cheaper than therapy?
The answers are yes, yes, a little bit, and God yes.
Moving on…
Continue reading “MONDAY MORNING DISPATCH (3/3/25)”1) Years ago, when I was working a crappy retail job, which wasn’t all that bad really… In fact, it was a pretty enjoyable job, except during the months of November and December when we’d get hit with stressed-out holiday shoppers who wanted to blame us (the workers) for the crowded stores, high prices, and shitty winter weather.
Had a guy from the corporate office filling in for a week while the store was training a new manager. I was working part time on weekends and doing the “stay-at-home dad” thing during the week. Corporate guy told me he “worked in finance” before taking a job in the current company. He asked me about myself, and was especially interested when he discovered I’m a writer and have authored several novels.
He told me, “You know, I’ve thought sometimes about writing a book.”
Continue reading “MONDAY MORNING DISPATCH (2/24/25)”What the hell? Four weeks in a row? Must be some kind of blog record. Let’s keep it going.
Also, I think I’m owed some points for writing out “what the hell” rather than the modern day “WTH.” Yes, I’m the guy that writes out “by the way” instead of “BTW,” and “okay” instead of “OK” or “K.”
And you’ll never catch me texting “lol.” Never.
This week’s Dispatch:
Continue reading “MONDAY MORNING DISPATCH (2/17/25)”Week 3, baby!
How about that major sports event last night? Super Bowl [insert proper Roman numerals]! Pretty cool, am I right? So glad [insert team name] won the game. They earned it!
And the commercials! Oh, man! Can you believe [insert celebrities’ names] did that? Never thought I’d see the day they’d parody [insert movie, character, pop culture event]!
Oh, well. It’s all over until next year. Let’s get to this week’s Dispatch:
Continue reading “MONDAY MORNING DISPATCH (2/10/25)”Hey, look at that! Two weeks in a row! We’re off to a great start.
Before it all comes crashing down. Anyway…
Here’s the second (collect ’em all!) Monday Morning Dispatch:
Continue reading “MONDAY MORNING DISPATCH (2/3/25)”Welcome.
I’m not sure if this will be the first of many weekly posts to come, or just a one and done. Or “hit it and quit it” for you young people
It’s been three years since a new posting on here. And no, I’m not counting the casino hacking us to flood our blog page every day with spam posts. Although, I would’ve hoped it would draw more traffic to Vintage City Publishing books.
Alas, no. Guess compulsive gamblers don’t equate to avid readers.
Continue reading “MONDAY MORNING DISPATCH (1/27/25)”The authors at Vintage City Publishing get lots of questions like, “Where do you get your ideas?” and “How do you come up with such interesting characters?” and “When are you guys going to pay your bar tab?”
But the most common question is, “What are you working on now?”
We thought we would put the question to our current stable of writers and see what they’ve accomplished in 2021, and maybe a sneak peek at what they have planned for 2022 and beyond. So without further ado…
Continue reading “What Are We Doing and Where Have We Been?”“Hellerman Retirement Home.”
The name is on the front of the building and printed on the stationary provided to the residents. Stationary most of them don’t use. Why bother? No one answers.
You wrote letters when you first arrived. Your children didn’t respond. They said,
“No one writes letters anymore. People text or email.”
Continue reading “Maybe Today”In her bedroom, Audrey peered through the sliver of space between the curtains. She was a kidnapped princess, the quintessential damsel in distress, locked away in the tower of the evil king’s castle, waiting for the hero to ride up and rescue her. She watched one potential hero now, a knight in shining black sharkskin, as he talked to his faithful manservant.
She watched Dominic and Manny talk, not knowing what they were discussing but getting a general idea it was family-related by their body language. She watched the gaudy Corvette pull up and the two men stiffen. She watched Dominic exchange words with the blond, pony-tailed man she didn’t recognize and thought for a moment they would come to blows. From her perch, she was able to read the utter disdain on their faces.