Let the Hate Flow Through You…

**DISCLAIMER: There will be no more Star Wars references going forward**

There is a place in the world for the bad…

So it was about ten years ago. Maybe more. Wait, how old are my kids? Good lord, I’m old.

Okay, it was more than ten years ago, but not quite twenty, and I was younger and energetic and doing a lot of theater. Primarily an actor, I also did lighting and directing and dance. Writing had been limited to short plays for children, so no experience with real, full-on adult drama. Still, I knew what I loved about theater; the art, the precision, the work ethic. Creating great product was more important than making dollars. I was passionate, and part of being passionate is working on thoughtful, interesting, insightful works which are seen by a handful of people, yet touch each of them deeply.

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